A brief biography on the learner:
I have worked for at Warburtons for three years, two of which were as part of the graduate scheme which I joined after finishing uni. I work in the innovation and product marketing team, in our technical function. Our team is responsible for all of the new innovation we launch as a business, and my role is to develop the new ideas and take them from concept to launch.
Why the programme suited them:
I enjoyed the style of the programme, it was great to always be part of the same group and feed off each other’s experiences. The teaching was always engaging and interesting, and although I don’t have direct reports, I found the course really useful for my role. I liked how we would attend the module and then have a coaching session to reinforce our learning, this was also a good opportunity to reflect how I had used what I had been taught as part of my role.
What they got out of it:
I found the sessions around giving feedback e.g. the EEC model, the presentation sections and the rapport models really helpful. They have been really valuable to my role as I frequently need to work with suppliers and bakery colleagues where rapport and feedback are a vital part. Again, although I do not directly manage anyone currently I feel I have been given useful tools for if that situation does occur.
Support from the Tutor
The coaching I received from Pat was really valuable, she was easy to get along with and really supportive and encouraging. It was great to reinforce the teaching through these coaching sessions and I always came away feeling much more confident about the teaching. She was also a great support in getting ready for the end point assessment and was always quick to support via email or phone!
Trainer module input:
Sue, our trainer was amazing, she was so full of energy and kept us all engaged. Her style of teaching has a way of making subjects really stick with you because of how she introduces you to new information. She was great at getting the group to interact and always made me feel at ease.