Businesses have stopped accepting Apprentice levy delivery that is not targeted to deliver a significant return for their business.
Sadly, there has been too many Levy providers sticking to traditional delivery of assessing existing competence, instead of providing substantive new skill that makes the required impact …that is the resounding message that we received when we talked to the large clients who told us that they weren’t getting what they needed.
To date two of our largest clients have approached us after having unsatisfactory service elsewhere.
So, then Instep became a levy provider after 26 years of specialising in Leadership and Management and customer service.
We have been designing levy programmes that deliver everything that is expected from levy. (We have recruited heavily and have a team of levy specialists) However at the front end of Instep, we haven’t changed a thing. We still come in and work in partnership with you, we get to know your business, we focus on the outcomes the business and the learners need to achieve and then we have crafted and created the right solution.
You are involved and engaged in every stage of the design process
We have had 26 years’ experience of delivering Commercial Leadership and Management training, Customer Service and other industry related training. We understand what expectations companies have when they pay for a service, we already employed senior delivery staff, curriculum architects and people who have operated at senior levels in industry. These factors along with employing over 100 years’ worth of Apprenticeship experience, has allowed us to quietly develop a significant portfolio of large business and PLC customers, transitioning our commercial programmes to meet (and exceed) the expectations of the standards.
For many providers it is about being the biggest, for us it’s about maintaining our reputation for delivering the highest quality training that drives business performance and delivers exceptional user experience.
We have no desire to be the biggest and this makes us selective on who we work with, only wishing to work with like-minded companies
Our model is high cost, given the level of people we employ. After all, you can’t learn from people who haven’t experienced your challenges, felt the pressure or indeed benefited from the success. We understand that running a business, department, business unit or project can be challenging, nerve-racking and rewarding, but most importantly we understand the Skills, Knowledge and Behaviours that are required to be a success and that they aren’t uniformed.
Each of our programmes are linked to your strategy, so by identifying 4/5 key objectives to hang our programme off we can bespoke the delivery and outcomes to meet what works for you and your people. Using our team of solutions-architects we ensure that the language, look & feel, branding and content feels like your business is delivering to itself.
All of our projects have an underlying set of pre-agreed metrics that allow you to see a tangible return on investment and measure progress throughout. The issues identified through the scoping exercises allows us to sequence the programmes in a way to have the maximum impact from commencement.
A final component, but the key to our success, is delivering the best possible experience for our learners, whether that be through our workshop delivery, one-one sessions or via the cutting edge technology we have gone to great lengths to develop.
Levy Programmes designed for you… interested? Get in touch