Case Study

Translink – ILM Level 3 in Northern Ireland within the transport industry

LM Level 3 in Northern Ireland within the transport industry

The Customer

Translink is the brand name of the three operating companies which operate scheduled bus and rail services in Northern Ireland, including cross-border and cross-channel links.

The Vision

Translink has seen significant growth and as such they need to ensure the business performs more effectively with focus on the way employees are managed and led.

The purpose of the development would enable the team leaders and first line managers to move into the space the business requires to enable Senior Leaders to focus on their scope of work.

The Discovery

This is the second ILM Level 3 programme that has been delivered and developed over time to enhance the skills of team leaders and first line managers in Leadership Principles, Communication, Decision Making, Conflict, Problem Solving, Coaching, Team Development and Motivation.

The programme is designed to meet current business requirements at the time of delivery and has changed in its focus through developmental conversations with Translink.

The Process

The programme was redesigned this year to a Level 3 Award from an endorsed programme, taking away the emphasis on assignments and shifting attention towards application of skills, behaviours and attitudes, thus enhancing the likelihood of transfer of learning in the workplace rather than an academic ability priority.

On boarding managers of attendees was agreed to offer support and consolidation in the real environment and coaches would support the additional individual development needs.

The Solution

We have delivered two ILM Level 3 programmes at Translink, which was developed to enhance the skills of Team Leaders and First Line Managers.

The programme comprised of:

  • A Launch for all attendees and managers to ensure all fully understood the scope, commitments, roles and assessment requirements of the programme
  • Five days of delivery covering the identified key areas in line with business need with assessments that fitted the nature of the business and added value to the learners experience
  • Tutorials additionally support the programme to focus on the ILM requirements
  • Delivery days are spread over twelve months to ensure that assignment activity is fulfilled within the programme timeline which encourages completion within the delivery period ensuring success.

The Results

It is apparent that learners are more able to apply the learnt content and explore skill development alongside assessment needs. Learners are completing and passing their assignments within the timeframes set and achieving the required ILM standard. Capturing transfer of learning within their own roles is encouraged at sessions and real experiences are shared to ensure application in the workplace.

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